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Thursday, December 9, 2010

7 Tips for Investing in Stocks (I)

Investment experts always advise investors to stay away from 'junk' stocks. Warren Buffet once famously said “The only time to buy these (junk stocks) is on a day with no ‘Y’ in it.”
Stocks can be as tricky a business for novice investors as they are for seasoned players. However, as Warren Buffet has always propagated, 'Right stocks at the right price' is the way to laugh your way to the bank. This means, avoiding all those ‘junk’ stocks and setting your sights only on the 'right ones'.
So how do we really separate the wheat from the chaff? In an age where Satyam and Infosys both ruled the roost at one point of time, how do we know which ones are the black sheep and which ones are not?
In this issue of women's weekly, we bring to you the fundamentals of choosing a stock from a long-term perspective: